Designing Cell Phone Wallpaper in Canva


Overview of Unit
In this lesson, students learn how to use the free Web 2.0 tool to create a wallpaper image that can be uploaded to their cell phone. No download is required to use the product, making it easy for teachers who are not able to download software on classroom computers to still give their students a choice in learning.
Students are provided with a quick tutorial, as well as links to other resources to help them with their designs. The tutorial is intended to help students get started with the program and then use the resources within the program to refine their creations. This lesson is fully editable, allowing for modifications to fit specific classrooms.
This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6, 7 and 8) but could also be used with high school students. It is a quick, fun lesson that is great to use during a design unit or just to fill in a day before a school holiday or as a break between other lessons.
Resources Required
· Access to computers for each student with Internet access
Project Duration (approximate)
· Whole class overview – demonstration of Canva and resources for the lesson: 15—20 minutes
· Phone Wallpaper Design Project: 1 -2 (50 minute) class period
Files Included with this Lesson
· Teacher Notes and Resources
· Quick Getting Started Tutorial for Students
· Phone Wallpaper Design Project with grading rubric
· Sample Project
Total Pages = 9
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Overview of Unit
In this lesson, students learn how to use the free Web 2.0 tool to create a wallpaper image that can be uploaded to their cell phone. No download is required to use the product, making it easy for teachers who are not able to download software on classroom computers to still give their students a choice in learning.
Students are provided with a quick tutorial, as well as links to other resources to help them with their designs. The tutorial is intended to help students get started with the program and then use the resources within the program to refine their creations. This lesson is fully editable, allowing for modifications to fit specific classrooms.
This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6, 7 and 8) but could also be used with high school students. It is a quick, fun lesson that is great to use during a design unit or just to fill in a day before a school holiday or as a break between other lessons.
Resources Required
· Access to computers for each student with Internet access
Project Duration (approximate)
· Whole class overview – demonstration of Canva and resources for the lesson: 15—20 minutes
· Phone Wallpaper Design Project: 1 -2 (50 minute) class period
Files Included with this Lesson
· Teacher Notes and Resources
· Quick Getting Started Tutorial for Students
· Phone Wallpaper Design Project with grading rubric
· Sample Project
Total Pages = 9
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