This resource allows students to create an ongoing, interactive vocabulary notebook using either Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. This is perfect for a technology class to use as part of a daily lesson to learn important terminology in a fun, interactive way.
Teachers distribute the notebook pages to students electronically, either using Google Drive or a classroom management system such as Edmodo ( or Google Classroom ( Students make additional copies of the template page in their own version of the notebook and then enter the information on each slide (page). A list of 100 computer and technology terms is included to make it easy for the teacher to choose which word(s) to assign, and a full answer key with definitions is included to assist with grading. Additionally, a sample notebook page is included to help students understand the expectations.
Notebooks are included in both Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides and are editable. They are provided in 6 different colors to make it easy for the teacher to code each class period using a different color, or just to accommodate student preference.
The project was created for use as a daily warm up activity for grades 7-8 but could easily be used with upper elementary or high school students.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher Notes
• 100 Computer & Technology Terms List and Definition Key
• 6 Different Color Versions of the Interactive Notebook in Microsoft PowerPoint
• 6 Different Color Versions of the Interactive Notebook in Google Slides
• Sample Notebook Page
Total Pages: 33
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